430 BC: The Word of the LORD by Malachi Malachi 1 - 4 Malachi 1 -- The Word of the Lord to Israel by Malach: I loved Jacob, but Esau I hated NIV NLT ESV NAS GWT KJV ASV ERV DRB Malachi 2 -- Priests Reproved for Neglecting Their Covenant; Judah's Unfaithfulness NIV NLT ESV NAS GWT KJV ASV ERV DRB Malachi 3 -- Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me; Robbery and Remembrance NIV NLT ESV NAS GWT KJV ASV ERV DRB Malachi 4 -- God's Final Judgment on the Wicked and Blessing on the Good NIV NLT ESV NAS GWT KJV ASV ERV DRB
All dates are Approximate. Reading Plan based on the Bible Timeline © 2010 by Rich Valkanet, Discovery Bible and Biblos.com. |